Thursday, July 30, 2009

Surface Line Week = We Need You!!

Surface Line Week is quickly approaching, August 17th-21st. It is a competition between the commands to determine who is best on the waterfront and win bragging rights. The week will be full of activities designed to bolster camaraderie and teamwork in a climate of good old fashion healthy fun. This is the first time spouses will have the opportunity to participate. Our command will be named USS Spouse. The events include: 5k run, basketball, softball, bowling, dodge ball, flag football, golf, racquetball, soccer, tennis, tug-o-war, volleyball, 8-ball pool, Madden football, and guitar hero.
If you would like to be part of the USS Spouse and participate in ANY Surface Line Week event, please reply to the post and we will get you in touch with the point of contact for the USS Spouse.
Here is a link for more information on the events:

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I am attending the Surface Officer Spouse kick off on Tuesday to join the club but would love to participate int he 5k run the is being held next week. Can you possibly let me know when this is and how to go about signing up? My husband is attach to the USS THACH. I believe I can get a few others to participate as well. Thank you so much

    Jill Johnson


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